Aggressive PHP Quality Assurance in 2019 | Marco Pivetta

Improve your PHP development skills by learning aggressive quality assurance techniques, including code reviews, static analysis, and mutation testing, to write better, more maintainable code.

Key takeaways
  • Quality Assurance is not just about testing, but also about architecture and development practices.
  • PHP is a language that allows developers to do too many things in many ways, making it squishy.
  • Traditional acceptance testing is not enough; code reviews and static analysis are necessary for ensuring code quality.
  • Mutation testing is a tool that randomlymutates code and sees if it still passes tests, identifying defects.
  • Infection is a mutation testing framework that can help identify defects in code.
  • It’s important to set aside time for daily composer updates and running tests to catch errors.
  • Continuous Integration (CI) is essential for automating the testing process and identifying defects early on.
  • Static analysis tools like Psalm and PHPStan can help identify issues with code quality.
  • PHPStan is a type checker that can help improve code quality by identifying type-related issues.
  • Code reviews are essential for ensuring that code is maintainable and meets quality standards.
  • Every developer should own their QA hat and take responsibility for writing high-quality code.
  • Defects are often introduced during development, making it essential to test code thoroughly during development.
  • Tools like Infection and Pest can help identify defects in code and improve code quality.