Your first PHP extension - Christian Rades

Your first PHP extension - Christian Rades: Learn how to create your first PHP extension using the readline extension and custom PHP configuration, covering PHP functions, variables, and more.

Key takeaways
  • It’s necessary to use the readline extension and custom PHP configuration when building a PHP extension.
  • PHP functions do not return a string, but rather a result variable with no semicolon.
  • The clone keyword is used to create a reference to the original value.
  • The mut keyword is used to specify whether a reference is immutable or mutable.
  • In Rust, you can specify the type of reference you want, including immutable or mutable.
  • The return keyword can be omitted when returning a value from a function.
  • The let keyword is used to declare a variable and initialize it with a value.
  • The pub keyword is used to specify that a function or variable is public and can be accessed from outside the module.
  • The trait system in Rust allows for abstract methods that can be implemented by concrete types.
  • The match statement in Rust is used to perform pattern matching on a value.
  • The self parameter in Rust is a special variable that refers to the current instance of the struct.
  • The impl block in Rust is used to define the implementation of a trait.
  • The extend method in Rust is used to extend the functionality of a trait.
  • The for loop in Rust is used to iterate over a sequence of values.
  • The closure in Rust is a function that can be passed as an argument to another function.
  • The async keyword in Rust is used to define an asynchronous function.
  • The await keyword in Rust is used to wait for the completion of an asynchronous operation.
  • The trait system in Rust is used to define a contract that must be implemented by concrete types.
  • The match statement in Rust is used to perform pattern matching on a value.
  • The match statement in Rust can be used to match on the type of a value.
  • The if statement in Rust can be used to check the truth of a condition and execute code accordingly.
  • The if statement in Rust can be used to execute code when a condition is true.
  • The else statement in Rust can be used to execute code when a condition is false.
  • The switch statement in Rust can be used to match on the value of an expression.
  • The default branch in Rust can be used to specify a default behavior when none of the other branches match.
  • The panic function in Rust can be used to exit the program when an error occurs.
  • The unwrap function in Rust can be used to unwrap an optional value.
  • The map function in Rust can be used to transform an optional value into another value.
  • The filter function in Rust can be used to filter a sequence of values based on a predicate.
  • The collect function in Rust can be used to collect a sequence of values into a single value.
  • The fold function in Rust can be used to reduce a sequence of values into a single value.
  • The flatten function in Rust can be used to flatten a sequence of sequences.
  • The sort function in Rust can be used to sort a sequence of values.
  • The sum function in Rust can be used to compute the sum of a sequence of values.
  • The product function in Rust can be used to compute the product of a sequence of values.
  • The enumerate function in Rust can be used to iterate over a sequence of values and their indices.
  • The chunk function in Rust can be used to divide a sequence of values into smaller sequences.
  • The map_reduce function in Rust can be used to map and reduce a sequence of values.