Where No PHP Has Gone Before - David Flanagan


Explore the future of PHP with David Flanagan as he discusses running PHP applications with WebAssembly, overcomes serverless computing limitations, and introduces innovative tools and technologies.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker, David, talked about using WebAssembly to run PHP applications, aiming to overcome the limitations of Docker and serverless computing.
  • He demonstrated the use of Pulumi, a cloud-agnostic Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool, to deploy a PHP application as a WebAssembly module.
  • The speaker discussed the issues with running PHP applications in serverless environments, such as cold starts, and how WebAssembly can help mitigate these issues.
  • He showed how to use WebAssembly to execute PHP code, allowing it to be run outside of a browser.
  • The speaker emphasized the potential of WebAssembly to revolutionize the way we think about language execution and deployment.
  • He also highlighted the importance of community efforts, citing the struggles of creating a JSON schema for WebAssembly and the need for more support from major companies.
  • David showcased various tools and technologies, including Pulumi, Spin, and BuildKit, to demonstrate the possibilities of using WebAssembly for serverless computing.
  • He stressed the need for improved debugging capabilities and the development of more intuitive interfaces for working with WebAssembly.
  • The speaker wrapped up by emphasizing the potential of WebAssembly to “change the game” and encouraged the audience to explore this technology further.