Kent C. Dodds - The Epic Stack - React Live 2023

Explore the Epic Stack, a comprehensive project starter for building web apps, featuring React, TypeScript, and more, with a focus on simplicity, ease of use, and minimizing complexity.

Key takeaways
  • The Epic Stack is an opinionated project starter and reference for building web applications, aiming to reduce decisions and complexity.
  • React is the chosen framework, and the author emphasizes it’s the best framework to use in an industry dominated by other React speakers.
  • The author discusses the struggles with decision-making in web development, comparing it to building a house with too many ways to do the same thing.
  • Three guiding principles are highlighted:
    • Limit the number of services you need
    • Provide type-safe, progressively enhanced forms
    • Minimize setup complexity
  • is recommended for serverless and cloud-based infrastructure
  • TypeScript is highly recommended
  • Express and Prisma are included as part of the Epic Stack for simplicity and ease of use
  • Conform and Zod are recommended for strong typing and validation
  • The importance of having a clear path to adaptation and minimizing the complexity of change are emphasized
  • Contributions are invited to improve the Epic Stack, focusing on examples and helping to address questions and problems