Serverless Java #slideless by Adam Bien

Discover the benefits of serverless Java applications, including energy efficiency, speed, and cost-effectiveness, and learn how to build scalable solutions using Quarkus, CDK, and EventBridge with Adam Bien.

Key takeaways
  • Serverless applications are the cheapest way to run, and the key to success lies in energy efficiency and speed.
  • Java is the best language for serverless applications, as it consumes less energy and is faster than other languages like Python.
  • AWS Lambda, EGBs, and EventBridge are essential components of serverless architectures.
  • Cloud native means building the infrastructure with Java, using Quarkus and CDK.
  • Azure and AWS are the preferred cloud providers for serverless applications.
  • The focus is on automating the infrastructure, so developers can focus on the business code.
  • Relational databases like Postgres are expensive to run, and serverless databases like DynamoDB are more cost-effective.
  • Event-driven architecture is important for serverless applications, and Quarkus is well-suited for this approach.
  • The margin of cloud providers is a major consideration when choosing a cloud provider for serverless applications.
  • Pay-per-request is a more cost-effective model for cloud providers than provisioned resources.
  • Serverless applications are ideal for enterprise applications, where there is no need for complex infrastructure.
  • Java is the best choice for serverless applications due to its energy efficiency and speed.
  • Quarkus is the preferred framework for building serverless applications, as it is optimized for event-driven architectures.
  • CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is a more cost-effective way to deploy serverless applications than provisioning resources.
  • EventBridge is a more cost-effective way to handle events than Lambda.