PHPUnit 10: Why It’s Delayed, What It Brings | Sebastian Bergmann

Discover the exciting updates and features in PHPUnit 10, including a new event system for improved test handling, debugging, and support for PHP 7.2+, union types, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Events in PHPUnit 10 will provide a cleaner and more robust way to handle metadata in code units, replacing comments.
  • PHPUnit 10 will not be supporting older PHP versions, focusing on PHP 7.2 and above.
  • The event system will make it easier for extension developers to create wrappers around PHPUnit and make more of it do more complex things.
  • The transition from PHPUnit 9 to PHPUnit 10 will involve migrating annotations to attributes.
  • PHPUnit 8’s introduction of enumerations and union types will be built upon in PHPUnit 10.
  • The event system will allow for real-time testing and more efficient testing.
  • The PHPUnit configuration will be cleaner and more organized.
  • The event system will enable better test coverage and faster test runs.
  • PHPUnit 10 will provide a more scalable solution for testing and will make it easier to support older PHP versions using the same PHPUnit version.
  • The event system will provide a way to handle exceptions and failures in tests.
  • The event system will make it easier to implement code coverage and report failures and errors.
  • The event system will be used to transport events from child processes back to the parent process.
  • The event system will enable better debugging and debugging tools.
  • The transition from PHPUnit 9 to PHPUnit 10 will involve cleaning up old code and making it more modern and maintainable.
  • PHPUnit 10 will provide better support for PHP 8 features such as union types, interfaces, and final classes.
  • The event system will provide a way to handle test doubles, mocking, and stubbing.
  • The event system will make it easier to test complex scenarios.
  • PHPUnit 8’s changes to PHP’s superglobal variables will be further developed in PHPUnit 10.