When the sh** hits the fan, volume 2 -- Bigger, badder, now with Drupal 9 included

Take control of website troubleshooting and backup with expert tips and tricks for when disaster strikes, including Drupal 9 support and real-world scenarios.

Key takeaways
  • Be prepared for when your site is down, knowing how to back up your database and logging in to your application.
  • Use curl to quickly check if a site is responding, and view headers or full responses.
  • Use grep and zgrep to search through log files, and awk to manipulate and extract information.
  • Use tail to view the end of a log file, and sort to sort log entries.
  • Use Drush to run PHP commands and evaluate PHP code.
  • Keep your log files simple and human-readable by using Drush and grep to quickly identify errors.
  • Be prepared for common issues like 404 errors and SQL injection attacks.
  • Keep your contact information up to date, including phone numbers, to ensure prompt support.
  • Train yourself to use text expanders and snacks to streamline your workflow.
  • Use Awk to extract specific information from log files by dividing the line into fields.
  • Understand how to read and understand log files, including the different fields and significance.
  • Be prepared to troubleshoot issues by following a checklist and having a prepared plan.
  • Use unique to remove duplicate log entries.
  • Use sort to view and sort log entries.
  • Use cat and zcat to view, sort, and manipulate log files.