Build your own Neural Network – with PHP! | Vitor Brandao


Learn how to build a neural network using PHP and get hands-on experience with machine learning concepts such as supervised learning, backpropagation, and vectorization.

Key takeaways
  • Neural networks can be built using PHP, and the speaker demonstrates a simple example.
  • The speaker explains the concept of a neuron, including the dendrite, axon, and synapse.
  • The sigmoid function is used as an activation function to model the firing rate of a neuron.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of backpropagation in training a neural network.
  • The talk covers the basics of machine learning, including supervised learning and the use of known inputs and outputs.
  • The speaker uses a simple example of an XOR gate to demonstrate the concept of a neural network.
  • The talk also covers the concept of deep learning and its applications.
  • The speaker uses the MathPHP library to implement the neural network in PHP.
  • The talk concludes with a demonstration of the neural network in action, classifying inputs as either 0 or 1.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the basics of machine learning and neural networks before diving into more complex topics.
  • The talk also covers the concept of vectorization and its importance in machine learning.
  • The speaker uses a simple example to demonstrate the concept of vectorization.
  • The talk concludes with a demonstration of the neural network in action, classifying inputs as either 0 or 1.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the basics of machine learning and neural networks before diving into more complex topics.