Frameworkless – The New Black? | Carsten Windler

Discover the benefits and challenges of frameworkless development with Carsten Windler, exploring code quality, security, testing, and more in a frameworkless world.

Key takeaways
  • Frameworkless development is gaining popularity, and Carsten Windler’s talk explores its benefits and challenges.
  • PHP frameworks can hinder development speed and create unnecessary complexity.
  • Frameworkless development allows for more freedom and flexibility in coding.
  • Carsten shares his personal experience with Zend Framework 1 and how it became outdated.
  • He emphasizes the importance of code quality, security, and testing in frameworkless development.
  • The talk highlights the need for code reviews, documentation, and version control.
  • Carsten showcases a simple example of a web service without using a framework.
  • He discusses the importance of following coding standards and using PHP FIG standards.
  • The talk concludes with a message emphasizing the need for continuous learning and improvement.
  • Frameworkless development is suitable for small applications or prototyping, but not for complex projects.
  • Carsten provides tips for writing better PHP code, including using PHP Leak and Psalm.
  • He encourages developers to focus on security, testing, and code reviews.
  • The talk concludes with a positive note, emphasizing the potential benefits of frameworkless development.