How to contribute to PHP - Gina Banyard

Learn how to contribute to PHP, a popular open-source platform, by researching the engine API, writing RFCs, and engaging with the community. Discover the steps to write extensions, tests, and documentation, and get started with PHP development.

Key takeaways
  • To contribute to PHP, research the engine API, which remains mostly the same between PHP 7.2 and 8.4.
  • PHP has a complex code base, but contributing to tests, extensions, and documentation can be a good starting point.
  • Writing an RFC (Request for Comments) is the first step to propose a change to PHP.
  • To write an RFC, engage with the PHP community on the internals mailing list and provide a clear explanation of the proposed change.
  • PHP’s documentation is written in Docbook, which is widely used in the open-source community.
  • PHP has a QA website where you can find and contribute to testing, with guides and tutorials available.
  • PHP has a mailing list where you can submit issues, ask for help, and get involved in the community.
  • To write a C extension for PHP, start by researching existing extensions and understanding the engine API.
  • Writing a C extension involves defining a class and its properties, and implementing methods to interact with the PHP engine.
  • The PHP community is relatively small, with only about 10 core developers, but there is always room for new contributors.
  • PHP has a governance model, where proposals for changes are reviewed by the community and implemented if approved.
  • To get started with PHP development, start by reading the PHP manual, and then dive into the code base.
  • PHP has a cross-platform nature, making it easy to develop on Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  • PHP has a large user base, with millions of websites and applications built on the platform.
  • Contributing to PHP can be a rewarding experience, with opportunities to improve code quality, fix bugs, and add new features.