Crafting a greener future with PHP - Michelle Sanver

Discover how to craft a greener future with PHP by minimizing carbon emissions, optimizing code, and prioritizing sustainability, and learn how even small changes can lead to a massive impact on the environment.

Key takeaways
  • Craft a greener future using PHP by considering the environment and minimizing carbon emissions.
  • The web is a major polluter, equivalent to the world’s fourth largest, and it’s important to make changes.
  • Use the cheapest servers possible with eco-mode and queues to reduce resource usage.
  • Optimize code and minimize duplication to save CPU cycles and reduce energy consumption.
  • Consider the long-term technology implications and sustainability goals.
  • Implement reCAPTCHA to slow down attacks and avoid brute force attacks.
  • Use the least amount of embodied carbon possible and avoid single-use plastic.
  • Monitor server logs and consider the order of priority for requests.
  • Avoid code duplication and minimize dependencies.
  • Keep dependencies and packages up to date.
  • Monitor requests and avoid overloading servers.
  • Have a green hosting plan and use solar energy whenever possible.
  • Use Composer to analyze and optimize code.
  • Small changes can lead to massive impact on sustainability.
  • PHP developers should prioritize sustainability and consider the environment in their work.
  • Make a greener future a priority and continue learning about sustainability.