NetBSD Native APIs - A Userland Perspective (Audio, Input) Discussing and encouraging the adoption …

NetBSD's native audio API provides a simple and intuitive way to access audio devices, encouraging developers to adopt a better design than the Linux audio API and differentiate NetBSD from other operating systems.

Key takeaways
  • NetBSD has its own audio API, which is not commonly used due to lack of software support.

  • The speaker has been working on promoting the use of this API and encouraging developers to adopt it.

  • The API provides a simple and intuitive way to access audio devices and has been around for over a decade.

  • The speaker has also been working on integrating the audio API into the NetBSD kernel.

  • The audio API is not compatible with the Linux audio API, so developers would need to rewrite their code to use it.

  • The speaker believes that the audio API is a better design than the Linux audio API, but acknowledges that it has been slow to gain adoption.

  • The speaker has been working with other developers to promote the adoption of the audio API, including the development of a new library called Simple Wayland Compositor (SWC).

  • The speaker believes that the audio API can help to differentiate NetBSD from other operating systems and provide a unique selling point for developers.

  • The speaker has also been working on other projects, including the development of a new display server called Glamour XOR driver.

  • The speaker believes that the audio API can help to improve the usability of NetBSD and make it more appealing to developers.

  • The speaker has also been working on porting software to NetBSD and has been successful in porting several popular applications.

  • The speaker believes that the audio API is an important part of the NetBSD ecosystem and that it can help to drive adoption of the operating system.

  • The speaker has been working with other developers to promote the adoption of the audio API and is optimistic that it will become more widely used in the future.

  • The speaker believes that the audio API can help to improve the security of NetBSD and provide a more secure way to access audio devices.

  • The speaker also discussed the issue of bug compatibility with Linux, which is a major challenge for BSD developers.

  • He believes that BSDs should focus on developing their own infrastructure and APIs rather than trying to be compatible with Linux.

  • He also mentioned that some people are creating forks of Linux code to make it compatible with BSDs, which is not the best approach.

  • In conclusion, the speaker believes that NetBSD and other BSDs should focus on developing their own infrastructure and APIs to avoid bug compatibility issues with Linux.