Identifying and Reducing Permission Explosion in AWS: A Graph-Based and Analytical Approach

Here is the meta description: Learn how to identify and reduce permission explosion in AWS using a graph-based and analytical approach, increasing security and reducing unauthorized access.

Key takeaways
  • Permission explosion is a common issue in AWS, making it difficult to manage and secure resources.
    • Reason 1: Temporary access, where people request access to specific tasks or investigate.
    • Reason 2: Broad access roles, where people acquire too many permissions for their day-to-day job.
    • Reason 3: Permission creep, where permissions are never taken away, leading to unauthorized access.
  • To identify and reduce permission explosion, use the following strategies:
    • Calculate Permission Utilization Ratio (PUR) for each role and permission.
    • Remove unused permissions from roles.
    • Automate policy generation and attachment to roles.
    • Break roles into smaller teams or roles to reduce permissions.
    • Use graphing libraries like Sigma JS to visualize data and identify permission explosion.
  • The speaker’s company, Motive, was able to reduce permissions by 63% using these strategies.
    • The number of permissions per user decreased from 75 to 32.
    • The number of unused permissions decreased from 426 to 286.
  • The PUR for each permission is calculated using the frequency of use and the number of users who use that permission.
  • The speaker’s recommendations for implementing these strategies include:
    • Using AWS APIs to get data and push it into a database.
    • Creating automation scripts to generate IAM policies.
    • Using graphing libraries to visualize data.
    • Breaking roles into smaller teams or roles to reduce permissions.
  • The speaker also recommends calculating the Permission Utilization Ratio using the frequency of use and the number of users.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of reducing permissions to prevent permission explosion, as it can lead to unauthorized access and security risks.