Devoxx Greece 2024 Sustainability Chronicles: Innovate Through Green Technology With Kepler and KEDA

Discover how Kepler and KEDA can drive sustainability in tech, with insights from Apple's sustainability efforts and the creation of Green Ops, a new school of thought for environmental innovation.

Key takeaways
  • Devoxx Greece 2024 Sustainability Chronicles emphasizes the importance of awareness and action towards sustainability in the tech industry.
  • The talk introduces Kepler, a Kubernetes efficient power level exporter, and KEDA, an event-driven autoscaler.
  • The speaker shares his experience working at Apple and the organization’s efforts towards sustainability and emission reduction.
  • The talk highlights the need for the tech sector to take action and consider emissions in its operations.
  • Kepler will allow companies to measure and monitor their emissions, while KEDA enables scaling of applications based on carbon intensity.
  • The speaker advocates for open governance, transparency, and community involvement in sustainability efforts.
  • The talk mentions the creation of a new school of thought, Green Ops, which encapsulates all processes and tooling for sustainability.
  • The speaker encourages the audience to explore the Cloud Native Fundamentals course and certifications.
  • The talk concludes by emphasizing the importance of community involvement and innovation in green technologies.
  • Key takeaways:
    • The tech industry needs to take action and consider emissions in its operations.
    • Sustainability is crucial for the future, and innovation is necessary.
    • Open governance, transparency, and community involvement are essential for successful sustainability initiatives.
    • Tooling such as Kepler and KEDA can help companies measure and reduce their emissions.
    • Community involvement is vital for driving sustainability efforts forward.