Sarah Gibson How to grow the JupyterHub community and improve its practices by mentoring Outreachy

Grow the JupyterHub community by mentoring underrepresented contributors through Outreachy and implementing innovations in onboarding, testing, conflict resolution, and contributor support and recognition.

Key takeaways
  • To grow the JupyterHub community, mentorship is key, and Outreachy internships are a great way to do this.
  • Improve onboarding processes to make it easier for new contributors to get started.
  • Implement a reusable JupyterHub PyTest plugin to streamline testing.
  • Create a more robust locking mechanism to prevent merge conflicts.
  • Recompense mentors for their time and effort, including monetary compensation.
  • Develop a system to support volunteers in carving out time for their contributions.
  • Automate task assignment to reduce the burden on mentors.
  • Improve communication channels to reduce invisible labor.
  • Foster a culture of open collaboration and transparency within the community.
  • Recognize the importance of recompensing mentors and acknowledging their work.
  • Provide ways for underrepresented groups to participate and contribute to the project.
  • Develop clear pathways for applicants to work through contribution issues.
  • Create a more robust system for tracking and managing contributions.
  • Improve documentation and provide a learning path for new contributors.
  • Support interns and provide them with the skills and perspectives they need to succeed.
  • Develop a plan to recompense mentors for their work, including monetary compensation.
  • Create a more inclusive and effective pathway for contributors to engage with the JupyterHub community.