API Mindset at eBay (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

Discover how eBay approaches API design, governance, and translation to build a powerful developer ecosystem and enable innovation, highlighting the importance of APIs in driving business success and growth.

Key takeaways
  • eBay’s API mindset focuses on creating a large and powerful ecosystem of developer applications that add value and benefits to organizations.
  • Intuitive and straightforward contracts are the easiest and cheapest way to design APIs, with a balance between goal and constraints.
  • APIs should be designed with developers in mind, with predictable and understandable names and consistent vocabulary.
  • Governance is essential to ensure APIs fit the technical vision, and standards define what is constant across services.
  • APIs are building blocks for developers to innovate, and new digital products are created by combining these blocks in a unique way.
  • API usage analysis is necessary to assess the value APIs bring and understand the benefits coming from third-party integrations.
  • Machine translation is a key contributor to promoting cross-border trade, and APIs play an integral role in enabling applications to interact.
  • Developer ecosystems are hard to build, with many challenges, technical and beyond, and APIs need to be reliable digital assets that enable growing a successful business.
  • eBay has a governance process that is objective, transparent, and manageable, with standards defined, but flexible on the how part.
  • APIs should do one thing and do it well without offering surprises, and integrations could benefit from translation capabilities.
  • eBay’s API portfolio is what really brings value to organizations, with a focus on creating a strong foundation for growth.