Sponsor Presentation—S. Ostrowski: Accelerate your workflow from local Python prototype to the cloud

Accelerate your workflow with Microsoft's Azure Developer CLI, featuring infrastructure as code, container apps, and streamlined cloud deployment.

Key takeaways
  • It’s easy to build a local Python prototype, but accelerating the workflow to the cloud can be difficult.
  • Microsoft has provided solutions to simplify the process, such as the Azure Developer CLI.
  • This CLI allows developers to work with Azure resources without needing extensive research or expert knowledge.
  • The Azure Developer CLI provides a range of features, including infrastructure as code, container apps, Azure Pipelines, and Key Vault.
  • Developers can use templates to map their local application stack to the cloud, streamlining the process.
  • Infrastructure as code allows developers to declare the infrastructure needed for their application, and the Azure Developer CLI handles the deployment.
  • The Azure Developer CLI allows for easy management of the cloud resources, as well as monitoring and logging.
  • Using container apps and Azure Pipelines allows developers to focus on writing code, rather than worrying about infrastructure management.
  • A range of templates are available, including ones for languages such as Python, Node.js, and .NET.
  • Azure Infrastructure as Code (IAC) provides a way to manage and version infrastructure components.
  • Bicep is a domain-specific language used for provisioning Azure resources.
  • Many developers prefer to have a local development environment and then deploy to the cloud, rather than trying to deploy directly to the cloud.
  • The Azure Developer CLI allows developers to test and iterate on their application code in the cloud, using features like container apps and Azure Pipelines.
  • The Azure Developer CLI provides a range of tools, such as Key Vault and Azure Pipelines, to help developers manage and version their application components.