A comparison of the Reactivity Concepts in Angular, React, Vue and Svelte by Jonas Bandi

Discover how four prominent frameworks, Angular, React, Vue, and Svelte, approach reactivity, with a deep dive into their state and UI relationships, change detection, and state management strategies.

Key takeaways
  • A framework’s reactivity comes from the relationship between state and UI
  • React, Vue, and Angular have different approaches to reactivity
  • React uses a mindset of always re-rendering everything, whereas Vue and Svelte use a more fine-grained approach
  • Angular has a change detection mechanism that tracks who is accessing reactive state
  • The speaker argues that React is not as intuitive as Angular when it comes to reactivity, as React requires a more rigid structure for handling state management
  • Angular is tolerant to mutations, whereas React is not
  • The speaker highlights the importance of understanding reactivity concepts in different frameworks
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to reactivity, and each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses