SAINTCON 2023 - Shaun Price (klippy) - Shuhari

Unlock the secrets to effective InfoSec leadership through self-reflection, mentorship, and innovation, and learn how to build strong relationships, prioritize people over processes, and cultivate a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Key takeaways
  • The importance of self-reflection and humility in leadership.
  • The need to stop using compliance checklists and focus on how to make someone’s job better.
  • The value of mentorship and learning from others.
  • The tendency for people to get stuck in their ways and the importance of challenging the status quo.
  • The importance of communication and trust in building strong relationships.
  • The need for InfoSec professionals to be more empathetic and understanding of users.
  • The value of learning from failures and using them as opportunities for growth.
  • The need to create a culture of innovation and trust.
  • The importance of embracing change and not being afraid to challenge the way things have always been done.
  • The need to prioritize people over processes.
  • The value of building a strong network and community of professionals.
  • The importance of being authentic and transparent in leadership.
  • The need to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.