Mark Erikson - Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit

Simplify your Redux development with Redux Toolkit, a concise and predictable way to manage state changes, featuring pre-built reducers, a centralized config file, and more.

Key takeaways
  • Modern Redux with Redux Toolkit aims to simplify the development process by providing a more concise and predictable way of managing state changes.
  • Redux Toolkit includes pre-built reducers and a centralized configuration file, which eliminates the need for repeated code and makes it easier to manage complex state changes.
  • The library emphasizes the importance of immutability and provides tools to help developers make predictable changes to the state.
  • Redux Toolkit includes a listener middleware that watches for accidental mutations and provides warnings and code mods to prevent them.
  • The library also includes a built-in cache system that allows developers to store data in the Redux store and retrieve it later.
  • Redux Toolkit provides a simpler and more intuitive way of handling data fetching and caching, making it easier to build robust and scalable applications.
  • The library is designed to work with a variety of data formats, including REST-style APIs, GraphQL, and other SDKs.
  • Redux Toolkit includes a range of pre-built APIs and utilities that make it easier to build complex applications.
  • The library includes a preview release of Redux 5.0, which includes improvements to the Redux core and the dev tools.
  • Redux Toolkit includes a rethrow of the original Create Store function, which allows developers to easily switch between the two versions.
  • The library is designed to work with a range of frameworks and libraries, including Create React App and Next.
  • Redux Toolkit includes a range of built-in features, including a centralized configuration file, a cache system, and a list of pre-built APIs.
  • The library is designed to make it easier for developers to build complex applications and avoid common pitfalls, such as accidental mutations and data fetching errors.
  • Redux Toolkit is designed to be a simple and efficient way to manage state changes and build robust applications.