Dax Raad - The hidden infrastructure powering our frontends

Explore the hidden infrastructure powering frontends, including AWS Lambda, Next.js, and more, and learn how to build fast, efficient, and cost-effective applications on AWS.

Key takeaways
  • AWS Lambda functions are a good way to deploy frontends, but they can lead to “cold starts” which increase latency.
  • Next.js is a framework that can help mitigate cold starts by precompiling and serving static files.
  • SST (Serverless Stack) is a framework that provides a simple way to deploy frontends on AWS.
  • NFTs (next fragments) are a way to precompile and serve static files, reducing the need for Lambda functions.
  • CloudFront is a content delivery network that can be used to serve static files and reduce latency.
  • The Edge is a concept where Lambda functions can be executed at the edge of the network, reducing latency.
  • SWR (stale while revalidate) is an open standard for caching and validating static files.
  • It’s recommended to use a CDN (content delivery network) like CloudFront to serve static files and reduce latency.
  • A static site can be deployed using Next.js or SST, eliminating the need for backend services.
  • The Airlander 10 is the world’s largest airship, and it’s seen as a metaphor for the large data centers used by cloud providers.
  • AWS has a pay-per-hour system, which can be more cost-effective than renting servers.
  • Cold starts can occur even with static sites, and it’s recommended to use a CDN to reduce the impact.
  • The Edge can be used to execute Lambda functions at the edge of the network, reducing latency.
  • SST can be used to deploy frontends on AWS, providing a simple way to build and deploy applications.
  • Next.js can be used to build frontends, and it provides a simple way to precompile and serve static files.
  • Some frameworks like NFTs or SWR can help mitigate cold starts, which increase latency.
  • CloudFront can be used to serve static files and reduce latency.
  • The Edge can be used to execute Lambda functions at the edge of the network, reducing latency.
  • AWS provides a pay-per-hour system, which can be more cost-effective than renting servers.
  • SST, Next.js, and CloudFront can be used together to build and deploy frontends on AWS, providing good performance and latency.
  • Some concepts like NFTs, SWR, and the Edge were introduced in this talk, and they can help build and deploy frontends on AWS.
  • The talk also mentioned a few frameworks and tools like Next.js, SST, and CloudFront.
  • Some concepts like cold starts, the Edge, and the Airlander 10 were used as metaphors for the concepts discussed in the talk.