Migrating from Heroku to AWS

Migrating from Heroku to AWS: learn how one company successfully lifted and shifted their application to achieve greater control, flexibility, and cost savings, while minimizing risk and downtime.

Key takeaways
  • Heroku is a platform as a service, but migrating to AWS allows for more control and flexibility.
  • The company chose to lift and shift their application to AWS instead of trying to rewrite the code for the new platform.
  • The migration process was done in phases, with each step tested and validated before moving on to the next one.
  • Terraform was used to manage the infrastructure and configuration of the application in AWS.
  • The company had to manually manage secrets, such as passwords and environment variables, in Heroku, but AWS provides a built-in secrets manager.
  • The migration was done incrementally, with one environment at a time, to avoid downtime and minimum risk.
  • AWS provides more advanced features and tools for managing infrastructure and deployment, such as autoscaling and load balancing.
  • The company was able to reduce costs by about 30% after migrating to AWS.
  • The process of migrating to AWS was not without its challenges, and the company had to adapt and learn new tools and technologies.
  • The company has been able to achieve higher availability and better performance with AWS, with no downtime in the last nine months.
  • The migration was done with a focus on minimizing risk and downtime, with the company being careful to test and validate each step before moving on to the next one.
  • The company has been able to take advantage of the more advanced features and tools available in AWS, such as autoscaling and load balancing.
  • The migration was done in a way that allowed the company to maintain control and flexibility, while still taking advantage of the benefits of the AWS platform.