Running Blazor in production, lessons learned - Jimmy Engström - NDC London 2023

Discover the real-world experience of running Blazor in production, exploring its adoption, server rendering, WebAssembly, component libraries, performance, offline support, and API requirements.

Key takeaways
  • Blazor Adoption: Blazor is being used in many companies, but not much is being talked about it.
  • Server Rendering vs Client-Side: Blazor has server rendering which can be beneficial for SEO.
  • WebAssembly: WebAssembly is a new way to run .NET code in the browser, bypassing the need for JavaScript.
  • Combining Technologies: Blazor can be used with other technologies like Angular, React, and JavaScript.
  • Component Libraries: There are many component libraries available for Blazor, making it easy to build applications quickly.
  • Performance: Blazor can be fast, but it depends on the application and the server-side load.
  • Offline Support: Blazor doesn’t have offline support, but it can be solved by using caching.
  • User Feedback: Use refresh buttons and provide feedback to users when something changes.
  • API Mandatory: Blazor needs an API, but it’s not a web API, and direct database access is possible.
  • Offline vs Online: Blazor has some limitations when it comes to offline usage, but it’s suitable for web-based applications.