Opt in Design – The New Era of React Frameworks – Ben Holmes, React Advanced 2023

Discover the power of Opt-in Design for React frameworks, enabling developers to tailor applications to specific needs, reduce unnecessary re-renders, and optimize performance. Learn how Astra, useMemo, useEffect, and other hooks simplify the process.

Key takeaways
  • Opt-in design allows for flexibility and control over complexity, enabling developers to tailor their applications to specific needs.
  • React’s reactivity model defaults to re-rendering the entire component tree, which can result in poor performance. Opt-in design allows developers to opt-out of unnecessary re-renders.
  • Server-side rendering (SSR) can improve performance by allowing the server to compute information before sending the initial HTML to the client. Opt-in design enables developers to choose when to use SSR.
  • Astra is a framework that enables opt-in design, allowing developers to create lightweight, fast, and secure applications.
  • The useMemo hook can be used to prevent unnecessary re-renders by memoizing a value and re-computing it only when necessary.
  • The useEffect hook can be used to run side effects only when necessary, rather than on every re-render.
  • Opt-in design can improve performance by reducing the amount of JavaScript that needs to be executed on the client.
  • React’s suspense mechanism can be used to handle loading states and streaming information from the server.
  • Astro’s useSuspense hook can be used to create a suspense boundary and render fallback content while waiting for data to stream in.
  • The dino flag can be used to indicate whether to use a server-driven approach or a client-driven approach.
  • Opt-in design encourages developers to be mindful of performance and optimize their applications for specific use cases.
  • React’s server components can be used to create server-side rendered components that can be optimized for performance.
  • Opt-in design can improve performance by reducing the amount of re-renders and re-computations.
  • The useCallback hook can be used to memoize a function and prevent unnecessary re-renders.