Hassan El Mghari - Building the Fastest Commerce Site: How we Built Next js Commerce 2 0

Here is the meta description: "Learn how Next.js Commerce 2.0 revolutionizes eCommerce development, utilizing the new app router and React server components to improve data fetching, routing, and performance.

Key takeaways
  • Next.js Commerce 2.0 is an all-in-one eCommerce starter kit that utilizes the new app router and React server components.
  • The app router is built on top of React server components, allowing for better data fetching and rendering.
  • React server components simplify data fetching, allowing developers to fetch data in every component, reducing waterfalls and improving performance.
  • The app router allows for nested routing, which enables the creation of shareable experiences through advanced routing techniques.
  • Splitting routes into smaller segments has three main benefits: improved SEO, better caching, and faster page loads.
  • The new app router is designed to work with the React architecture, allowing for better performance and smoother experiences.
  • Next.js Commerce 2.0 includes features like handling out-of-stock products, handling variants, and an MVP-friendly approach to eCommerce development.
  • The app router is designed to be platform-agnostic, allowing developers to use it with any provider, not just Shopify.
  • The developer can create a dashboard page in the pages folder by creating a dashboard.tsx file.
  • The app router is designed to provide a smoother experience for users, with faster page loads and better performance.
  • Data fetching in Next.js can be done in three ways: getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, and async/await fetch.
  • The new app router is designed to provide better support for layouts, allowing developers to create custom layouts for their applications.
  • The app router can be used with the Suspense API to create a seamless experience for users.
  • The app router can be used with the Edge Functions feature to create custom API routes.
  • The app router is designed to work with the React architecture, allowing for better performance and smoother experiences.
  • The app router can be used with the Loading and Error components to create a better experience for users.