DjangoCon 2022 | Data-Oriented Django

Optimize your Django application's performance by mastering data-oriented design, prefetching, caching, and more at this informative conference talk on DjangoCon 2022.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Data-Oriented Design: Software’s only job is to transform data. Focus on efficient data transfer, processing, and caching.
  • Prefetch Related: Use prefetch_related to reduce database queries and improve performance.
  • Select Related: Use select_related to fetch related data in a single query, improving performance.
  • Caching: Implement caching to reduce repeated queries and improve performance.
  • Web Performance: Optimize web performance by reducing data transfer, processing, and caching.
  • Django Auto Prefetch: Use Django Auto Prefetch to auto-prefetch related data, improving performance.
  • N+1 Queries Problem: Use prefetch_related to avoid the N+1 queries problem, which involves making multiple queries to the database.
  • Cache Levels: Understand cache levels and their impact on performance.
  • Data Volume: Reduce data volume by optimizing data storage and transfer.
  • Compression: Use compression algorithms to reduce data transfer size.
  • HTTP Caching: Implement HTTP caching to reduce repeated requests and improve performance.
  • Beginner’s Mind: Apply the concept of beginner’s mind to software development, focusing on simplicity and efficiency.
  • Small Representations: Use small representations of data to improve performance and reduce data transfer size.