From Burnout to Balance: Prioritising Your Wellbeing With Michael Riegel, GM Europe at Navan

Master the art of balance and prioritize your wellbeing with Navan's GM Europe Michael Riegel, learning practical self-care strategies to prevent burnout and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Key takeaways
  • Key takeaways from Navan’s GM Europe Michael Riegel:
    • Burnout is a gradual process that can happen to anyone, not just entrepreneurs.
    • It’s important to prioritize self-care and well-being, even in the midst of chaos.
    • Setting boundaries and scheduling personal time is crucial.
    • Identifying and communicating personal needs to others is vital.
    • Focus on activities that provide psychological utility, such as playing tennis or running.
    • Prioritize building a support network of trusted friends and family.
    • Take time for self-reflection and recognize that it’s okay to not be okay.
    • Celebrate small wins and acknowledge the value of taking breaks.
    • Create a schedule that allows for personal time and activities that bring joy.
    • Learn to say no and prioritize what’s important.
    • Set realistic goals and recognize that it’s okay to not be perfect.
    • Focus on building a sense of purpose and fulfillment, rather than just success.
    • Take care of your physical and mental health, both at work and at home.
    • Be open to change and recognize that it’s a normal part of growth and development.
    • Celebrate your achievements, big and small.