Turbopack. Why? How? When? and the Vision... – Tobias Koppers, React Day Berlin 2022

Tobias Koppers presents the vision and technology behind TurboPack, an open-source, cross-platform bundler for web development built on Rust and WebAssembly, aiming to make code optimization easy and efficient.

Key takeaways
  • TurboPack aims to create an open-source, cross-platform, and language-agnostic bundler for web development, built on top of Rust and WebAssembly.
  • The goal is to make it easy to optimize code, allowing for incremental builds, lazy asset graphs, and auto-scheduling of parallelization.
  • The project started with the Next.js team and aims to make it a default bundler for the Next.js framework.
  • The architecture is designed to allow for caching, validation, and incrementals, with a focus on performance and efficient computation.
  • The project is built on top of TurboEngine, a common core engine that solves problems such as cache invalidation and parallelization.
  • TurboPack allows for remote caching, incremental builds, and lazy asset graphs, making it ideal for large-scale applications.
  • The project aims to be compatible with existing frameworks and plugins, and to provide a plugin architecture for customization.
  • The vision is to make TurboPack a staple in the web development ecosystem, providing a way to optimize code and improve performance for years to come.
  • The project is still evolving and has a lot of potential for growth and innovation.
  • The team is working on stabilizing the project and making it more accessible to the open-source community.
  • The ultimate goal is to make TurboPack a default bundler for web development, allowing for easy optimization and efficient computation.
  • The project has a strong focus on performance, with features such as incremental builds, lazy asset graphs, and auto-scheduling of parallelization.
  • The project aims to learn from other frameworks and plugins, such as Webpack, to create a better bundler for web development.