Constant fun (const fn) with Rust - Rainer Stropek - Rust Linz June 2022

Discover the power of Rust's `const fn` to generate code at compile time, creating efficient and optimized code with session's expert Rainer Stropek.

Key takeaways
  • Rust’s const fn allows for constant evaluation of functions, which can be used to generate code at compile time.
  • Constants can be used as return values and as arguments to functions.
  • const fn can be used to create static variables and constants that are initialized at compile time.
  • Rust 1.61 adds support for const fn in the standard library, making it easier to use.
  • Constants can be used to generate code at compile time, such as string concatenation and array initialization.
  • const fn can be used to create traits that require constants, such as HasNumbers.
  • Constants can be used to generate code at compile time, such as copying and concatenating strings.
  • const fn can be used to create functions that take constants as arguments and return constants.
  • Rust’s const fn is useful for generating code at compile time, making it easier to write efficient and optimized code.
  • Constants can be required by traits, such as HasNumbers.
  • const fn can be used to create functions that take constants as arguments and return traits.
  • Constants can be used to generate code at compile time, such as checking for specific types.
  • const fn can be used to create functions that take constants as arguments and return functions.
  • Rust’s const fn is useful for generating code at compile time, making it easier to write efficient and optimized code.