"Modern Frontend on ClojureScript and React in 2023" by Yuri Khmelevsky

Build a modern frontend with ClojureScript and React in 2023: Learn how the Scope project management platform team leveraged Ember, Gatsby, and Helix to create a scalable and maintainable app.

Key takeaways
  • The talk is about building a modern frontend application on ClojureScript and React in 2023.
  • The speaker, Yuri, shares their experience building Scope, a project management platform.
  • The team decided to use ClojureScript on the frontend side and built a design system with over 130 components.
  • They used Emotion, a CSS and JS library, and open-sourced their library.
  • React Context API is used for state management, and Emotion provides direct methods to use React API.
  • The team uses Storybook for documentation and testing, and NPM libraries for add-ons.
  • They use Helix, a library for building React components, and created custom macros to work with styles.
  • The speaker shares their experience with using React hooks, such as useState and useCallback.
  • They uselíčlikSR, a library for rendering React components, andtesting with Karma and React Test Library.
  • The team uses a single language on both frontend and backend sides, and shares code and specs.
  • They use normalized application state and store entities separately.
  • The speaker highlights the benefits of using ClojureScript, including efficient code and good developer experience.
  • They mention the importance of developing components in isolated environments and testing with Storybook.
  • The team uses a wrapper for React API, and settled on using Closure syntax and simplicity over reframe.
  • They highlight the need for performance optimization and concurrent rendering, and mention the importance of testing and validation.
  • The speaker shares their experience with code splitting and lazy component loading.