Josh Goldberg - Detecting React bugs automatically with linting and TypeScript - React Live 2023

Detecting React bugs automatically with linting and TypeScript, including ES Lint configuration, TypeScript language services, and code actions to auto-fix errors.

Key takeaways
  • ES Lint can be configured to report warnings or errors, with errors causing a red squiggly
  • TypeScript can help detect bugs in React code, and provides a language service for editors
  • A linter is a static analysis tool that runs a set of rules to check code
  • TypeScript provides a language service for editors, and can be extended with plugins
  • A formatter is a tool that formats code, and is separate from a linter
  • Rules can be set to warn or error, and can be customized for specific projects
  • ESLint and TypeScript can be used together to provide a powerful tool for detecting bugs
  • A linter will report complaints and can provide suggestions for fixes
  • Code actions can be set to auto-fix certain types of errors
  • Plugins can be used to extend the functionality of ESLint and TypeScript
  • The TypeScript compiler includes a type checker and can be run manually
  • Configuring ESLint and TypeScript can help detect bugs and improve code quality