Stephan Sahm - – Reactive Notebooks for Python

Discover, a platform for reactive notebooks, combining Jupyter and Julia. Explore interactive data experiments, collaborative work, and automation, and learn about the vision for unity in data science across companies.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker presents, a platform for reactive notebooks, initially focusing on Julia.
    • Explains the concept of reactive notebooks, highlighting the combination of Jupyter and Julia.
  • The demo showcases the notebook’s basic functionality, allowing users to interact with data experiments.
    • A pie chart serves as an example, updating dynamically.
  • provides a platform for collaborative work and deployment to a Kubernetes cluster.
    • Explains the process of adding machines (e.g., extra 5 machines) to grant increased processing power.
  • Discusses the vision and goals for, aiming to facilitate unity in data science across companies.
    • Highlights the potential for targeting a specific market and partner with companies.
  • The speaker shares his experience with, creating dashboards using data from various databases.
  • He emphasizes the automation and interactivity aspects of the notebook, encouraging active participation and experimentation.
  • Discusses the challenges faced during development and the plan for next steps.
    • Specifies priorities for the next 1-2 months.
  • The Q&A session touches upon topics like Python integration, data science in companies, big data support, and more.
    • Encourages questions and feedback.