React Summit 2022 - React Open Source Awards Ceremony

Join the React Open Source Awards Ceremony, honoring outstanding contributors to the React ecosystem, showcasing innovative projects and community impact.

Key takeaways
  • React Open Source Awards Ceremony, recognizing contributors to the React ecosystem
  • Winners: Cube Run (React Summit 2022 Breakthrough Project of the Year), ReactJS Girls (Most Impactful Contribution to the Community), React Use (Most Productive Project), and ReMotion (Fun Side Project of the Year)
  • Categories: Breakthrough Project of the Year, Most Impactful Contribution to the Community, Most Productive Project, Fun Side Project of the Year
  • Nominees: React Unity WebGL, Mantine, Wagme, Superplate, and many others
  • Award ceremony hosted by React Summit and the Open Source community
  • Winners are recognized for their contributions to the React ecosystem and community
  • Many of the winners are open-source projects, highlighting the community’s focus on collaboration and sharing knowledge
  • Awards are given to celebrate innovation and productivity in the React ecosystem