Building Africa's Super-App — Yassir's Journey | Noureddine Tayebi (Yassir) & Daegwon Chae (BOND)

Join Yassir's CEO and BOND's expert as they share their insights on building a successful super-app in Africa, navigating the region's unique market challenges, and the importance of empowering local talent and understanding pain points.

Key takeaways
  • The African market is characterized by a large informal economy, with over 90% of transactions happening in cash.
  • To succeed, it’s essential to believe in one’s mission and never give up.
  • The region’s young population (over 80% under 35) presents a huge opportunity for wealth creation.
  • Cash is a major advantage in Africa, with many people having limited access to banking services.
  • Building a local champion that can be emulated by others is crucial for scalability.
  • Empowering local talent and providing opportunities for they to build great platforms is essential.
  • Demographic trends in Africa (75% of population under 35) are the most compelling globally.
  • Building a company in a region with a cash-heavy economy requires creative solutions, such as using mobile agents to collect and deposit cash.
  • Africa has a huge opportunity for wealth creation, but it requires understanding the pain points of all sides of the marketplace.
  • To succeed, it’s essential to have a clear strategy and execution, as well as a clear vision for why the company deserves to exist and the impact it has.