How to Get from Labs to the Market. Panel moderated by Margarita Khartanovich / Platform 6

Learn how to navigate the journey from research to market with this panel discussion, moderated by Margarita Khartanovich, covering essential topics such as product-market fit, investor selection, and networking for spin-off company success.

Key takeaways
  • Conceptualization skills are crucial for understanding customer problems.
  • Aim for a clear and concise product-market fit before investing in sales and marketing.
  • Avoid taking investors who know too much, as it can hinder innovation.
  • Research institutions can serve as ideal partners for spin-off companies, providing access to facilities and funding.
  • Timing is essential in finding the right investors, co-founders, and partners.
  • Building a strong founding team with diverse skills is vital for success.
  • Clear product-market fit, customer needs, and problem understanding are essential steps from research to business.
  • investors should provide guidance and support rather than simply providing funding.
  • Intellectual property (IP) is a critical factor in the commercialization process.
  • Spin-off companies should prioritize building a robust business model rather than solely focusing on technology.
  • Networking and partnerships are crucial for accessing funding, facilities, and expertise.
  • Entrepreneurial mindset and skills are essential for researchers and academics interested in spin-offs.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach for commercialization, and flexibility is key.
  • Research institutions can play a significant role in supporting spin-off companies, providing training programs, and offering access to facilities.