Open roadmaps for your open communities. Not a success story, but you may have one by Oleg Nenashev

Create a successful roadmap for your open-source community: discover the importance of communication, contributor needs, and flexibility in building a shared vision for growth and achievement.

Key takeaways
  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating successful roadmaps, even in open-source communities.
  • Inconsistent communication and lack of support are major issues in open-source projects.
  • Building a community-driven roadmap can be a good approach, but it’s essential to keep it simple and up-to-date.
  • It’s crucial to define the target audience for the roadmap and consider their needs.
  • Don’t let the roadmap become a source of confusion or frustration for contributors.
  • In open-source projects, the quality of the community and contributors is more important than the specific technology or tools used.
  • A roadmap can help align contributions and attract new contributors, but it’s essential to avoid overcommitting and maintain a flexible approach.
  • Even with a well-communicated roadmap, there will be challenges and obstacles that require adaptation and iteration.
  • There is no single “right” way to create a roadmap, and different communities will have different approaches.
  • Engaging with the community and fostering a sense of ownership and participation is essential for successful roadmap creation and maintenance.
  • Open-source communities need to be transparent and honest about their challenges and limitations, and the roadmap can be an effective tool for achieving this.