Transforming Industries with AI | Olivier Blais, Alan Gormley, Marie Toft, Jonathan Keane | DTS 2023


Learn how AI can transform industries by removing barriers and creating emotional connections with customers.

Key takeaways
  • AI is not a single solution, but a tool to be used in context.
  • To succeed, companies need to remove barriers and invest in quality data.
  • AI should be explained and made human-friendly.
  • It’s essential to create emotional connections and empathy with customers.
  • AI should be trained with emotional intelligence (EI) to avoid bias and enhance human connection.
  • Generative AI can be used to create new products and services.
  • AI can help with employee engagement, internal process efficiency, and customer retention.
  • AI innovations should be contextual and not generic.
  • AI is not just about technology, but about understanding business problems and creating solutions that solve real needs.
  • Training data scientists can be expensive, but AI can help with this.
  • Building AI capabilities is crucial for future-proofing business.
  • Companies need to focus on specific areas, such as customer service or internal processes, to make meaningful changes.
  • AI should be used to augment human capabilities, not replace them.
  • Emotional intelligence is essential for both humans and AI systems.
  • AI can help create new ways of thinking, not just new tools.
  • AI can also enhance employee engagement and create opportunities for growth.
  • AI innovations should be validated over and over to ensure their effectiveness.
  • AI should be created with controls and guardrails to ensure responsible usage.
  • Companies should focus on building standardization and controls for AI systems.
  • AI is not just for large corporations, but can be used by smaller companies as well.