Crafting Pristine React: Best Practices for Maintainable Code - Miguel Ángel Durán, React Day Berlin

Develop maintainable React code with best practices: learn how to refactor code, use import aliases, write end-to-end tests, and more to build scalable and robust applications.

Key takeaways
  • Use Pascal case for React component names.
  • Avoid custom hooks for complex business logic.
  • Refactor code to separate concerns, such as rendering, state management, and API calls.
  • Use import aliases to simplify import statements.
  • Focus on maintainable code structure.
  • Encapsulate state libraries.
  • Consider using clean architecture and domain-driven design.
  • Write end-to-end tests for React applications.
  • Use TypeScript and React for better type checking and error handling.
  • Avoid overusing useMemo and useCallback.
  • Keep custom hooks reusable and focused on specific tasks.
  • Avoid deep nesting of components.
  • Use state management libraries like Redux or React Query for simple state management tasks.
  • Consider using Million, a virtual DOM replacement for React.
  • Make code more modular and scalable.
  • Use domain-specific design patterns.
  • Consider using Next.js and Vercel for server-side rendering and deployment.
  • Avoid using magic strings in code.
  • Write regular unit tests and integration tests.
  • Use React Day Berlin’s conference talks for best practices and code examples.
  • Consider creating custom hooks for reusable code.
  • Use code reviews for improving code quality.
  • Write error-handling code for robust applications.
  • Test API endpoints and error handling.
  • Use React components for building forms and input validation.
  • Avoid overusing useEffect for complex logic.
  • Write code for maintainable and scalable applications.
  • Avoid naming custom hooks with camel case.