Building a Headless Site with Remix, WPGraphQL & Web Fundamentals – Jeff Everhart React Summit 2022

Building a headless site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Atlas Content Modeler, exploring the benefits of flexibility and simplicity in content management and data fetching.

Key takeaways
  • The talk focuses on building a headless site with Remix, WPGraphQL, and Atlas Content Modeler.
  • Traditional WordPress is a monolithic software platform, while headless WordPress offers more flexibility as a headless CMS.
  • The speaker recommends using WPGraphQL and Atlas Content Modeler to create complex content types and make them available over GraphQL.
  • The talk introduces the concept of using Apollo Client to query the GraphQL endpoint from the WordPress site.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of organizing data fetching code and using a service file to keep components clean.
  • The use of colocation, where data fetching code is in the same file as the component, is discussed as a benefit of the approach.
  • The speaker mentions that the loader function in Remix is called on the server, making it possible to use credentials without exposing them to the client.
  • The talk also covers how to create a content model for projects using Atlas Content Modeler and adding fields to the model.
  • The speaker shows how to create a GraphQL query using WPGraphQL and the GraphiQL IDE.
  • The talk discusses the importance of using the useLoaderData hook to access data returned by the loader function.
  • The speaker mentions that the remix team made the choice to use file-based routing and opinionated choices to simplify the development process.
  • The talk covers how to use dynamic URL segments to render individual project pages using Remix and WPGraphQL.
  • The speaker highlights the benefits of using WPGraphQL and Atlas Content Modeler, including flexibility and simplicity.