Adopting GraphQL in an Enterprise - Shruti Kapoor, GraphQL Galaxy 2021

Learn how to successfully adopt GraphQL in an enterprise by fixing existing data fetching issues, establishing a contract between teams, and leveraging the power of open-source libraries and community support.

Key takeaways
  • Adopting GraphQL can bring numerous benefits to an enterprise, but it’s essential to fix existing data fetching issues and establish a contract between the front-end and back-end teams upfront.
  • Use GraphQL as an orchestration layer to simplify the API landscape and reduce the number of requests made to the server.
  • GraphQL can help eliminate unnecessary data fetching and reduce the payload size, resulting in improved performance.
  • The community and open-source libraries can help in the adoption process, especially when it comes to tooling and debugging.
  • GraphQL can help in API versioning by allowing clients to adapt to changes more easily, reducing the need for new versions.
  • When evaluating GraphQL for an application, consider the business impact, timeframe, and feasibility of adoption.
  • Start with a small app and convert one API at a time, establishing teams to help overcome challenges.
  • GraphQL can be used as an orchestration layer or facade between the front-end and back-end layers.
  • The business logic can live in either the GraphQL layer or the REST API layer, depending on the application.
  • GraphQL can help in eliminating unnecessary data fetching and reducing the payload size, resulting in improved performance.
  • It’s essential to establish a schema and contract between the front-end and back-end teams to facilitate collaboration and reduce errors.
  • Use open-source libraries and community support to facilitate the adoption process.
  • GraphQL can help in simplifying the API landscape and reducing the number of requests made to the server.
  • When integrating GraphQL with existing REST APIs, consider the benefits of GraphQL and how it can simplify the API landscape.