Sarah Drasner - The State of the JAMstack Nation

Sarah Drasner presents the state of the JAMstack nation, covering its modern architecture, serverless functions, Vue.js, and more, highlighting its applications, benefits, and potential for creating fast, scalable, and secure websites and applications.

Key takeaways
  • JAMstack is a modern architecture that combines JavaScript, APIs, and markup to provide fast, secure, and scalable websites and applications.
  • Serverless functions are just APIs, and can be used to offload tasks and integrate with other services, such as Stripe for payment processing.
  • Vue.js is a popular framework for building JAMstack applications, and can be used to create rich, dynamic experiences.
  • Netlify is a great tool for building and deploying JAMstack applications, and can provide automatic routing, page transitions, and other features.
  • Stripe is a popular payment processing service that can be integrated with JAMstack applications.
  • JAMstack applications are often built using a combination of static and dynamic elements, and can be scaled easily thanks to serverless functions.
  • By using serverless functions and integrating with other services, JAMstack applications can be made to be fast, secure, and scalable.
  • JAMstack is not just for e-commerce sites, but can be used to create any type of website or application.
  • JAMstack applications are often more cost-effective than traditional web applications.
  • With JAMstack, developers can focus on the application logic and not worry about the underlying infrastructure.
  • JAMstack can be used to create static websites, as well as dynamic applications.
  • JAMstack applications can be used to create a variety of different experiences, including shopping experiences, blog experiences, and more.
  • By using JAMstack, developers can create fast, scalable, and secure applications that are easy to maintain and update.