Protect against unknown security vulnerabilities - Bastian Hofmann

Protect against unknown security vulnerabilities by leveraging a layered approach to container security, including network traffic analysis, supply chain scanning, and secure configuration, with NuVecto's open-source solution.

Key takeaways
  • When running containers in production, it’s essential to think about security policies and admission controls to limit what containers can do in the orchestration system.
  • NuVecto supports multiple compliance standards, including NIST, HIPAA, and GDPR, and can be configured to apply to specific use cases.
  • In a Kubernetes cluster, each container is a trust boundary, and you should limit the API access to the API of the orchestration system.
  • Container security is about layering, like a multi-layered cheese, where each layer has its own weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
  • Zero-trust models can be implemented by allowing only specific behavior inside a container and blocking everything else.
  • Network traffic analysis tools, such as NuVecto, can capture and analyze network traffic in real-time, providing visibility into east-west and north-south traffic.
  • Supply chain security is critical, and scanning container images during the supply chain is essential to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Traditional security tools may not be suitable for dynamic Kubernetes clusters, and new tools like NuVecto can provide better coverage.
  • Role-based access control, managing TLS certificates, and keeping versions up-to-date are essential for securing the orchestration system.
  • Network traffic analysis can detect and alert on known vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection attacks, and provide real-time visibility into network activity.
  • There is no single solution for container security, and a layered approach is recommended, including network traffic analysis, supply chain security, and secure configuration.
  • NuVecto provides a free, open-source solution for container security, which can be run on any Kubernetes cluster, Docker container, or single system.