David Nicholson- vak: neural network models for acoustic behavior | SciPy 2023

Neural network models for analyzing acoustic behavior in animals, using the VOC framework and exploring techniques for dimensionality reduction, model selection, and performance evaluation.

Key takeaways
  • Neural networks can be used to analyze acoustic behavior in animals, such as bird song or bat calls.
  • The speaker uses the VOC framework, a neural network framework, to analyze acoustic behavior.
  • VOC provides a single framework with multiple models and makes it easy to experiment with different models.
  • The speaker has developed a product for quality assurance of machine learning models.
  • The VOC framework has been used in other papers and has been shared with the community.
  • The speaker is working on a core library that will make it easier to share and use the models.
  • The framework is open source and can be used by anyone.
  • The speaker is using NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn in their work.
  • The speaker is using a parametric UMAP model to reduce the dimensionality of the audio data.
  • The speaker is using a neural network to automatically segment the audio data.
  • The speaker is using a syllable error rate to evaluate the model’s performance.
  • The speaker is using a learning curve to understand how much training data is needed.
  • The speaker is working on an ablation experiment to understand the importance of different parts of the model.
  • The speaker is using a probabilistic suffix tree model to model canary song.
  • The speaker is using a neural network to embed the audio data into a lower-dimensional space.
  • The speaker is using a neural network to classify the audio data.
  • The speaker is working on a project to analyze the neural activity of canaries while they are singing.