Why the web wins: A Fireside Chat with Kris Rasmussen and Matt Biilmann

Join Kris Rasmussen and Matt Biilmann for a fireside chat on web innovation, design systems, and Figma's success.

Key takeaways
  • The web wins because of its openness, ubiquity, and ability to be a platform for innovation.
  • Design systems will continue to play a crucial role in maximizing design output and efficiency.
  • Collaboration and viral growth were key factors in Figma’s success.
  • The web’s security and trust are essential, making it a powerful tool for building complex applications.
  • WebAssembly (WASM) has brought a new level of performance and capabilities to the web.
  • The web’s rendering engine has improved significantly, enabling complex graphics and animations.
  • Figma’s ability to iterate quickly and optimize performance is essential for its success.
  • The web’s distribution model and link sharing paradigm are powerful tools for building and sharing designs.
  • The fusion of design and engineering is crucial for creating innovative products.
  • The future of the web lies in building on the existing infrastructure and providing lower-level abstractions for developers.
  • Caching, compiling, and optimizing code will continue to play a vital role in improving web performance.
  • Figma’s survival and success demonstrate the power of betting on the web as a platform.
  • The web’s shift towards becoming a platform for building complex applications is exciting and requires collaboration and innovation.
  • Figma’s future goals include building a more seamless experience across design, development, and deployment.
  • The web’s unique characteristics, such as its openness and distribution model, are making it an attractive platform for building complex applications.