To Mock or Not to Mock - That's the Question - Rita Castro, React Advanced 2021

Explore the debate around mocking in software development, and learn how to balance mocking and not mocking through Formic, Yup, and React.

Key takeaways
  • The debate is whether to mock or not to mock in software development.
  • Simple forms can be achieved using Formic and Yup.
  • The concept of atomic design can be applied to organize components and visual elements as a design system.
  • When you do mock the components, you get an easy transition from the designs to the components.
  • It’s crucial to find a balance between mocking and not mocking, as it depends on the specific use case.
  • Atomic design is a way of organizing components and visual elements.
  • Atoms are the simplest components, molecules are groups of atoms, and organisms are groups of molecules.
  • The React testing library can be used to write tests and have a user-centered approach.
  • Test-driven development (TDD) is a way to ensure that tests are written before code is written.
  • Pair programming can be used to engage in a conversation and build trust.
  • The SDC (Software Development Center) is a place where designers, product managers, and developers work together.
  • The office is located near the city center and has a simple layout.
  • The idea is to find a balance between the 5 core values: communication, simplicity, feedback, courage, and respect.
  • You can use React Router DOM to do navigation between pages.