Rustberry Pi: Baby-steps in Embedded Rust - Lisa Passing - Rust Linz, September 2022

Explore embedded Rust development with a practical project controlling a servo motor with a Raspberry Pi and learn from the speaker's baby steps and trial-and-error experiences.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker is working on embedded Rust projects and is sharing her experience.
  • The example project is about controlling a servo motor with a Raspberry Pi and Rust.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of identifying and following specific pinouts when working with electronics.
  • She recommends using online resources and tutorials to learn about electronics and embedded development.
  • The speaker highlights the importance of separating components in a circuit to ensure stability.
  • She notes that Rust is a great language for beginners, especially when combined with a Raspberry Pi.
  • The project involves controlling a servo motor to move in a specific direction, with the motor being moved by a switch.
  • The speaker uses online resources to debug her code and understand the concepts behind embedded development.
  • She shares her personal experience of learning Rust and suggests that beginners can start with simple projects like blinking an LED.
  • The project uses a touch sensor to control the servo motor, with a specific sequence of steps to identify and move the motor.
  • The speaker notes that Rust has a strong community and resources available, making it a great choice for beginners.
  • The project involves creating a simple game with a Raspberry Pi, using Rust to program the game.