Anniversary Edition of The Pragmatic Programmer • Dave Thomas & Andy Hunt

Join Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt as they celebrate the anniversary of The Pragmatic Programmer, offering insights on effective coding practices, overcoming old habits, and sharing knowledge to help developers thrive.

Key takeaways
  • Writing down important bits helps clarify thinking and understanding.
  • Organizing work and getting fast feedback is key to efficiency.
  • Old habits die hard, but it’s possible to change them.
  • The Pragmatic Programmer book was written to help developers solve common problems.
  • Writing a book about something requires understanding the subject matter.
  • The book’s success was due to its ability to fill a gap in the market.
  • Developers have a responsibility to consider the impact of their work.
  • The tech used in the book is different now, but the principles remain the same.
  • The book has been updated to reflect changes in the field.
  • Writing a book takes a long time and requires a lot of effort.
  • The authors of the book have learned a lot from experience and feedback.
  • Writing a book is a collaborative process.
  • The book has been a great success and has helped many developers.
  • The authors of the book are proud of what they have achieved.
  • Writing a book is a way to share knowledge and help others.
  • The book has been a valuable resource for many developers.
  • The tech used in the book is outdated, but the principles remain the same.
  • Writing a book is a way to document knowledge and make it accessible.
  • The book has been updated to reflect changes in the field.
  • The authors of the book are still learning and growing.
  • Writing a book is a challenge, but it’s worth it.