Roc Alayo Arnabat & Sergi Rosell Ferrer - GitOps in Modern Security-Compliant Environments

Discover how to implement GitOps in modern security-compliant environments, leveraging infrastructure as code, code reviews, and automation to ensure security, accountability, and compliance.

Key takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Infrastructure as code is essential for modern security-compliant environments.
  • Using Terraform to manage infrastructure and Diamentas for logging and security.
  • Implementing code reviews and infrastructure as code helps ensure security and accountability.
  • Standardizing workflows and committing to a monorepo simplifies management and security.
  • Automating testing and logging helps identify potential security issues.
  • Implementing Istio for GRPC balancing and MTLS increases security.
  • Creating a CI/CD pipeline ensures consistent security and compliance.
  • Using GitHub actions automates tasks and helps maintain security.
  • Creating separate environments for different regions and layers helps maintain security.
  • Implementing PIPELINE reviews and approvals helps maintain security.
  • Automating code reviews and validation helps ensure security.
  • Implementing Helm chart management helps maintain security.
  • Creating multiple models with strict security practices helps maintain security.
  • Automation and integration with GitHub and other tools helps maintain security and compliance.
  • Using control tower to manage AWS accounts and resources helps maintain security.
  • Implementing logging and monitoring helps identify security issues.
  • Implementing TAGGING and versioning helps maintain security.
  • Implementing mastering and layering helps maintain security.
  • Implementing Istio for GRPC balancing and MTLS increases security.
  • Implementing Helm chart management helps maintain security.
  • Implementing user testing and study management helps maintain security.