Liquidity During Bullruns: Why Market Makers Are Vital?

Liquidity during bull runs is crucial, with market makers playing a vital role in supporting the market. Learn how market makers balance neutrality with directional bets, and how their composition and behavior impact the market.

Key takeaways
  • Liquidity during bull runs is crucial, as market makers are vital for supporting the market.
  • Market makers should be neutral, but often take directional bets.
  • The ideal market maker composition is 15-30% of the order book.
  • Market makers provide inventory and support the treasury.
  • It’s essential to have good relationships with clients and provide transparency.
  • The market structure can change over time, affecting market makers.
  • Market makers may choose not to show up if the market gets too volatile.
  • In some cases, market makers can’t fulfill their obligations.
  • Market makers are important for supporting the token during listing and after.
  • The ideal composition for a market maker depends on the token or security.
  • Market makers should be transparent and provide metrics.
  • Regulation can also impact market makers.
  • Market makers may have to manage the conflict of interest.
  • Market makers provide inventory and can handle directional bets.
  • Market makers should have risk mechanisms in place.
  • Market makers are motivated to do their job well to maintain their market share.
  • Market makers should provide information to the market.
  • It’s essential to have a good execution and fill rate.
  • Market makers may choose not to trade against other market makers.
  • In some cases, market makers may need to satisfy their own inventory needs.
  • The market can change over time, affecting market makers.
  • Market makers can provide liquidity and support the market.
  • Market makers can be vital for the long-term partnership.
  • Market makers may choose not to show up if they don’t see profit.