Kris Buytaert – Over a decade of #devops, what have we learned

Explore the evolution of DevOps over a decade, debunking myths, highlighting cultural importance, and emphasizing the need for collaboration, automation, and process improvement.

Key takeaways
  • DevOps is not a job title, but a culture and mindset that changes how organizations work together.
  • The industry is plagued by tooling hype, with people jumping on new tools without understanding their value.
  • Large organizations are harder to change, and most don’t actually change their culture.
  • DevOps is not just about tooling, but about people, processes, and culture.
  • Agile and DevOps are not the same thing, and Agile doesn’t work for everyone.
  • The industry needs to focus on changing the way people work together, rather than just adopting new tools.
  • DevOps is not a solution to all problems, and it’s not a magic bullet.
  • The industry needs to learn from its mistakes and teach people about anti-patterns.
  • DevOps is about changing the way organizations work together, not just about tooling.
  • The industry needs to focus on building a culture of collaboration, automation, monitoring, measurement, and sharing security.
  • DevOps is not just about the tools, but about the people using them.
  • The industry needs to focus on teaching people how to do software delivery better, rather than just adopting new tools.
  • DevOps is not a solution to all problems, and it’s not a magic bullet.